
3 years and up

ballet dancer in arebesque
ballet dancer in arebesque
ballet dancer in arebesque
ballet dancer in arebesque


Unlock the transformative power of Classical Ballet with our highly recommended and essential classes, tailored for students of all levels. Immerse yourself in the timeless art of ballet, where mastering technique, refining posture, building strength, fostering flexibility, and instilling discipline are the cornerstones of your dance journey.

Our Ballet classes provide a comprehensive learning experience that extends beyond the traditional boundaries of dance. From the fundamentals of positions and movements to the intricacies of expression, our curriculum is crafted to empower you with a well-rounded understanding of ballet as an art form.

Ballet not only shapes your physical prowess but also contributes to mental acuity. Ballet, combined with various dance styles, becomes a holistic practice that enhances focus and memory skills. Our classes are structured to engage both body and mind.

As a student in our Ballet program, you will benefit from expert guidance that caters to individual needs. Our teachers bring a wealth of experience, ensuring that each class is a progressive and enriching experience.

Enrolling now opens the door to a world where artistic expression meets physical discipline. Experience the joy of dance, the beauty of movement, and the satisfaction of personal growth. Whether you are a beginner taking your first plié or an advanced dancer honing your skills, our classes offer a supportive and encouraging environment for everyone.

Take the first step towards a more confident, expressive, and disciplined version of yourself. Join our Ballet classes and witness the transformation in both your dance abilities and overall well-being.


Once enrolled in ballet, students must purchase a pair of ballet shoes and may choose to wear one of two uniforms:

  • An electric blue leotard with theatrical pink ballet stockings and an electric blue ballet skirt, or

  • An electric blue singlet and black tights

All items can be purchased at our uniform shop and our staff are available to assist with any questions regarding dance wear.


Call us with any questions or enrol online now

Do not hesitate to reach us via the phone or you can enrol immediately online!

To send us a message click here.


Call us with any questions or enrol online now

Do not hesitate to reach us via the phone or you can enrol immediately online!

To send us a message click here.


Call us with any questions or enrol online now

Do not hesitate to reach us via the phone or you can enrol immediately online!

To send us a message click here.